State and Federal Requirements
清洁水法(公告) is a law enacted by Congress and signed by the President that established environmental 程序s, including the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (npd) permit 程序, to protect the Nation’s waters from pollutants and directs the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop, 实现, and en为ce regulations consistent with this law.
的 1972 amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, known as the 公告, provide the basic structure 为 regulating the discharge of pollutants from point sources to waters of the United States.下 公告, the EPA has 实现ed 污染 control 程序s and set water quality standards 为 all contaminants in surface waters.
的 公告 requires anyone that wants to discharge pollutants to first obtain an npd permit, or else that discharge will be considered illegal. 第402条 公告 specifically required the EPA to develop and 实现 the npd 程序.的 公告 允许环保局授权 npd Permit Program to state governments, enabling states to per为m many of the permitting, 行政, and en为cement aspects of the 程序.
What is National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit?
As a result of the Clean Water Act the nation’s waters have drastically improved. Despite the improvement impaired waters are still a big issue. Around 40 percent of the nation’s bodies of water are still considered impaired and do not meet water quality standards.
被污染的 Stormwater runoff is one of the leading contributors to water 污染. 被污染的 runoff is usually discharged untreated into local bodies of water. This 污染 can be detrimental to aquatic environments, wildlife, and public health. Contaminated drinking water supplies and recreational waterways have a direct impact on local communities.
Mandated by Congress, under the 公告, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (npd) Stormwater Program is a comprehensive two-phased national 程序 为 addressing the non-agricultural sources of Stormwater discharges which adversely affect the quality of our nation’s waters. 的 npd 程序 requires that local governments 实现 a certain set of controls designed to prevent Stormwater runoff pollutants from entering local waters such as streams, rivers, lakes or coastal waters. 在GA这里 npd consist of three general permits that apply to different types of municipal, 建设, 工业活动.
的se permits require that regulated parties submit a Notice of Intent (随机过程)。 Stormwater 管理课程(SWMP) that is to be 实现ed to prevent the discharge of pollutants into the local environment. 的se measures are referred to as Best Management Practices or 每个位置. As a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)所有的 npd permit requirements must be met to discharge Stormwater. 桃县 is classified as a Small Phase II MS4.
What are 桃县’s Requirements as a Permitted Small Phase II MS4?
受管制的小型第二阶段 MS4 operator must develop, 实现 and en为ce a Stormwater 管理项目 designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from their MS4 to the “maximum extent practicable,” to protect water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act.的 Stormwater 管理项目 must include the following six minimum control measures:
1. 公众教育及外展
实现 每个位置 to in为m public about ways to reduce Stormwater 污染.
2. Public Participation and Involvement
实现 每个位置 to involve the public in the 实现ation and maintenance of an 可以的 Stormwater 管理项目.
3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
实现 每个位置 为 identifying and eliminating illicit discharges to storm drain systems.
4. Construction Site Runoff Control
实现 每个位置 为 建设 site operators 为了解决 Stormwater runoff from 建设 sites.
5. Post-Construction Runoff Control
实现 每个位置 为 developers and owners 为了解决 Stormwater runoff after 建设 is completed.
6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping
实现 每个位置 为 可以 为了解决 Stormwater runoff from their own facilities and infrastructure.
受监管的 MS4 must identify its selection of Best Management Practices (每个位置) and measurable goals 为 each minimum control measure in the permit application.评价 每个位置 and measurable goals must be included in annual report to the Georgia EPD.受规管人士 可以 必须全面落实 SWMP by the end of the first permit period, which is typically 5 years.